Reimagining The EQ
The HMD Rosetta EQ was designed to translate your sonic desires into actionable language. Instead of using the traditional hertz we use words. Words that actually correlate with the frequencies we manipulate on traditional EQs. There are no meters or units of DB on Rosetta because we want you to use your ears not your eyes. HMD Rosetta can help guide you in learning how to use EQ as well as break bad habits that we've developed from analyzers. This EQ will speed up your workflow and show you the way.
Reimagining Compression
The HMD Rosetta Compressor was designed to translate your sonic desires into actionable language. Instead of using the traditional terms like attack and release, we use words that actually correlate with the characteristics we want such as tight, open or aggressive. The waveform GUI will help you see what your doing to the audio with the parameters. Helping you to make better decisions. HMD Rosetta compressor can help guide you in learning how to use compression as well as break bad habits that we've developed. This compressor will speed up your workflow and show you the way.
This plugin uses ilok which is free. You do not need an ilok usb, just your computer. Enter the activation code that is sent to your email upon opening the plugin. Download ilok manager before installing plugin.
CLARITY adds clarity to a sound source with a combination of eq boosting, and saturation.
BITE knob boosts the aggression in your sound source. Adding grit and intelligence to the sound.
WARMTH knob is great for bass sources to gain more presence. You'll notice this knob is great for adding body to vocals, more intelligible bass on smaller speakers. And overall weight to your sound source.
AIR knob is a high shelf. Boosting the air to the overall signal.
PRESENCE knob will increase the sounds presence in your mix. Pushing it forward.
BOTTOM knob is great for kicks and overall low end in your mix.
S's And T's This knob helps mitigate sibilance in a given sound source. We purposely wanted this knob do subtle taming without completely taking out your high end information. For more dramatic subtraction switch the bandwidth style to extreme.
DARKEN knob takes out the highs in your signal using a low pass style filter.
HARSHNESS knob is a very when trying to reduce painful frequencies in your sound source that when played loud are very noticeable.
TUCK knob is great for pulling something back in a mix. Sometimes when you feel like a sound source is not sitting in the mix, this range can be special in tucking it back just right when its too present.
MUDDY knob is very helpful for a cloudy sound source you're looking for more clarity on. It helps remove low end resonances that may be interfering with your other sources.
LOW CUT knob takes out the lows in your signal using a high pass style filter.
Tight and open relate to attack. Tight is a fast attack and open is a slow attack.
Aggressive and smooth relate to release. Aggressive is a fast release and smooth is a slow release.
Louder and silence relate to make up gain.
The transparent button makes the compressor behave normally.
The hype button adds a bit of saturation to the signal to give you a more transient and thicker sound.
Light -> Medium -> Heavy -> Smash
Refers to the ratio of the compressor
Light = 2:1
Medium = 4:1
Heavy = 8:1
Smash 50:1
The auto gain function compensates for volume as it is lost by gain reduction.